Ch 1 - Fiery Voluptuous Redhead

CEO of Vieregg Industries get a new job application he cannot say no to.

"You are such a dick!" the voluptuous redhead yells at Vieregg. She is waving her arms to emphasize what she is saying. It causes her breasts to wobble around. It is hard to not notice because her breasts are unusually large. Her turquoise shirt with deep cleavage is struggling to keep her boobs from spilling out.

Idun Amalie Wang entering the office

Povel Vieregg is mesmerized by those big juicy tits which just seem to be living a life of their own. In his peripheral vision, he can see her arms moving and her mouth opening and closing. He cannot really hear what she is saying anymore. Her breasts are wobbling and jumping around. Those soft mounds of flesh are calling for him.

Vieregg starts dreaming of being in bed with Idun Amalie Wang. He loves her name.


It is a bit odd, but it is the name of the goddess of fertility, sexuality, and eroticism. How fitting Vieregg thinks. And then there is Amalie. Always such a classic name.

In his mind, he is lying in bed naked with Idun, spooning her. His arms reach behind and grab hold of those big, plump soft breasts. Fondles and squeeze them.

He is suddenly jerked back to reality. "Are you hearing any fucking words I am telling you!" she yells.

Ugh, she has quite a temper. Not very goddess Idun like. That seems more like Thor, the thunder god. Oh, there flies a vase across the room. Bam, crash, scatter. She has a very forceful throw. That vase hit the wall very hard. Red hair just like the thunder God Thor. Somehow he could see Idun riding through the clouds swinging Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, cracking thunder and lightening.

"Of course," Vieregg lies. "You are not very happy with your employment situation, here at Vieregg Industries."

She had a point. Idun Amalie Wang had been hired by him about two months ago as a mechanical engineer. He could still remember it as if it were yesterday.

When she walked into his office, it was as if the air went out. Wide hips swaying side to side, large breasts wobbling. Red hair framing an adorable face with dark green eyes. It knocked the air out of him. He had always had problems dealing with pretty women, but Idun was like nothing he had seen before. He remembers how it made him fumble with the little sterling engine model he was working on at his desk. One of the cylinders fell out of his hand. He clumsily tried to grab it to prevent it from rolling off the table and down on the floor.

She caught it without skipping a beat. Crazy reflexes. She bent over to catch it allowing him to look straight into her cleavage. Right there was heaven. Had he ever seen so much boobage on a woman before? No, Idun was something else. Like from another planet. Except that other planet was called Imperial Norway.

Norway had been where he had been born, but he left when he was only four years old. Thus, he remembers very little of it. Instead, he had grown up across the border in Gothenburg, Sweden. It was here where the headquarters of Vieregg Industries were located.

Of course, he had heard Norwegian women were like this. They said it was from genetic experiments the Novi Soviets had carried out on the Norwegian population starting back in 2026. Since hiring Idun, he had read up about this. It said there was a gene therapy cocktail called VIR-DOLL comprised to two retrovirus DOLL-3 and VIR-X9.

Genetics was not his field, so he didn't understand much of it. There had been some genes ESR1, PPARγ, GHR and some third gene he had forgotten. The DOLL-3 retro virus introduced these genes into the body, which caused unnatural breast growth. There was also some other gene causing an increased libido.

Idun developed unnatural breast growth due to DOLL-3 gene therapy

He had not noticed this directly himself. Idun had always appeared very professional to him, but some of the guys said that she took frequent bathroom breaks and some had heard her having orgasms in the bathroom. Rumor was that Olav down at industrial design had caught a glimpse of a large dildo in her purse. The rumor mill loved that. There were not a lot of women in engineering and Idun was unlike any women they had seen before.

Vieregg Industries was quite flexible with working hours. Many worked at home. Ever since Idun started, the statistics have totally changed. Absence from sickness had dramatically dropped. Nobody was working from home anymore. Productivity had actually gone up. The last survey showed a remarkable growth in employee satisfaction. In fact, he had never seen so many new highly competent engineers seeking employment at Vieregg Industries.

They wouldn't say why they were so eager to work at Vieregg industries, but it had started to become quite apparent to Vieregg that Idun was a major reason. Oh well, if he could profit from it, it was all good.

Idun was the Golden goose. She was actually a very competent engineer, but he missed that entirely when she had walked into his office on that Monday early March 2051. All he could think of was boobs. He hired her on the spot.

"Aren't you going to conduct an interview?" Idun had asked, baffled.

"No, your CV was nothing like I have seen before, and your recommendations were excellent," he lied. He could in fact not remember what her CV had said. Nor had he actually talked to anyone to get recommendations.

Idun had lit up like a little sun. What a beautiful smile she had. The next day she was there. Vieregg walked her around engineering. All the engineers got up when they saw Idun arrive. It was as if a Hollywood star or angel had just descended among them. Everyone had big smiles plastered on their faces and were acting friendlier and happier than Vieregg could ever remember. Idun smiled, happy at the overwhelmingly friendly reception.

This geeky engineering department was not used to seeing women in general. But they had never seen anyone like Idun. Idun got treated like a Disney princess. Or that is what he thought.

It appeared Idun's experience of working with Vieregg Industries was not quite what Vieregg and the Engineers believed it was like. In their minds, she was the pampered adorable cutest thing they ever knew that they could not do enough for.

"This place is the most sexist, chauvinist place I have worked. And you are a total dick!" she yelled.

Harsh words. He had to get to the bottom of this. "I am deeply sorry to hear this. I thought we had a very good environment and that you have been very welcomed here. Everyone is so happy to have you here, Idun."

She was simmering down now. Perhaps the friendly tone and appearance of caring mattered?

"Too happy! Yes, every day I come into the office you are all smiling at me while you are ogling my boobs and gawking at my ass. And I cannot even communicate properly with the other engineers!" she said.

"Not communicate?" Vieregg asks, puzzled.

"They stop being able to concentrate when I talk to them. They lose all concentration and just keep staring at my boobs. I keep repeating 'I am up here.' Does it work? No! Thirty second later they are back staring at —" Idun stops mid-sentence. Lightening bolts out of her eyes.

"Oh no," Vieregg thinks. "I was just doing what she complained about."

"Fuck you, Vieregg!" she says, turns and slams the door really hard. A picture falls down the wall and crash into the floor.

Vieregg sits down on his desk. "What a mess. How do I fix this?"

Per, one of the lead engineers, walks in. He chuckles, "That woman sure has a temper."

"Sigh. You could say that again. I wasn't sure if I was going to get murdered for a moment there.," Vieregg responds, getting down from his desk.

"She is so hot when she is angry, though. Did it turn you on?" Per ask giving Vieregg a blink.

Vieregg laughs, "hehehe, it actually did. My pants got quite tight. Good thing she didn't see that, or I would have been beaten to pulp."

"Don't worry about it. She will be fine. Probably just on her period. You know how women are. They can be so irrational," Per says chuckling.

"She says we are all really sexist," Vieregg responds.

"Most likely a bit of a spoiled girl. Everyone is helping her out and going out of their way to help her. She overreacts easily. You should have seen when Tom slapped her ass. She totally blew up. It was all just a bit of innocent fun, but Idun was about to punch him in the face," Per said shaking his head.

"How do you know?" Vieregg asked intrigued.

"Oh, like she really wound up to hit, then stopped midair, and walked out of there," Per explained. "It is unclear to me why she cared so much then. Nisse had given her such a nice slap the week before. Like you could really hear it. Idun got so red in the face. But that was nothing like when Bosse grabbed her tits at the Friday beer. He had had a bit too much to drink. All in good fun. Idun got quite upset. We tried to tell her he was just drunk, and drunk people do stupid stuff. Nothing to be worked up about."

"Boys will be boys, right?" Vieregg laughs. "That was pretty funny. I had not heard that one. Hey, why don't you show me what you guys got going?"

Per rolled out a large sheet of polymer paper on Vieregg's desk. It was a new underwater harness they were working on to be used for deep sea welding in the North Sea. They were working with clients in Imperial Norway to develop it. In fact, it was a series of harnesses for different underwater work. Some which required hydraulic power assistance.

Vieregg pointed at the chest region of the drawing of the harness. "What is going on here?"

"Oh yeah, you know Norwegian women will be using this, and they are apparently all pretty much like Idun. Like really large chest region. We had to do some redesign. The original design for normal women wasn't going to work for them," Per said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, naturally, that makes sense."

"So hey, we thought, Idun, should try out the harness. We got several, and she would have the body and build of the Norwegians that will be using it. What do you say?" Per inquired.

"No, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Did you check her measurements?"

Per chuckled, "Oh we tried asking, but she is pretty sensitive about her breasts. She got pretty fired up when we tried asking how big they were. I mean it is just a technical question. Just some measurements. I don't understand women sometimes."

"No, they are from another planet," Vieregg responds, shaking his head. Vieregg continued looking at the drawings. It looked good to him, but he thought he would need to get his AR goggles on to get the full 3D view and look at the model in full size.

"It all sounds good Per. Just talk to Idun. Tell her I approved it and that she should help you guys out. Can you just leave the drawing here? I got to have a more careful look with the goggles," Vieregg told Per.

"No problem boss. I got plenty of extra polymer sheet drawings. I just had this one drawn out on the plotter for you five minutes ago," Per replied.

Per walked out of the office. Vieregg liked using polymer paper drawings. They had standardized on that at the company. He liked having something physical to feel and look at. It meant they didn't need network connections to discuss a design at the factory floor, with a customer or whatever.

AR goggles had gotten so good at videoing these drawing and constructing 3D model representations at scale that there was no need to transmit fully digitally stored representations. He made sure to wear his AR goggles when putting a drawing in storage. The AI, Benny, would remember where he put it and could help him find it whenever he needed to get it back. Or he could just ask Benny to bring up the latest generated 3D models from memory.

Vieregg went to one of his shelves to fetch his AR goggles, and headphones. "Hey Benny," he said to wake up the AI assistant.

"What to you want big man," Benny said in his familiar voice.

"I got some polymer sheet drawings of an underwater diving hardness. Could you scan it and give a 3D model at scale which I can look at?" Vieregg replied.

"No problem boss," Benny replied. Vieregg stretched out the polymer sheet on his desk. Vieregg could see Benny processing the drawing because the AR goggles overlayed red lights emitting from lines on the drawing that Benny was processing. After a couple of seconds, Vieregg could see the deep sea harness at the corner of his eyes.

He turned and looked at the harness standing in the middle of his office. Vieregg walked around it to examine it in more detail. "Hmmm, this doesn't look quite right," he mumbled to himself, looking at the chest region of the harness. "Idun is bigger than that. And the hips and buttocks. They are much wider. I don't think this thing is going to fit. Ah well, they will find out soon enough. Then they can adjust it."

"Okay Benny, let us call it a day. I have to get to dinner with my parents," Vieregg said before he pulled off his AR gear.

He wasn't sure why he had the habit of telling Benny such things. It was not like it mattered or Benny would care. Benny had no real consciousness.

The 3D capture could be used for a lot of things. One of the guys at engineering. Maybe it was Nisse, had recorded Idun. She didn't know. Then he had made a 3D model of her where you could peel off her clothes or put other ones on. Apparently, you could do some dirty things to the model. Perhaps he should tell Nisse to erase it. It was a fun idea but seeing how angry Idun could get about a bit of harmless fun like that, it was probably best to not leave it around. Sooner or later, she would find out. Knowing the guys in engineering, they would likely have been proud enough of their creation to show her.

Some of the guys lacked social antennas. Vieregg didn't quite understand Idun, but he was pretty sure she would be mad if she found out that her male colleagues had made a virtual sex doll of her. She would not think it was a compliment.

Vieregg walked out of the office. His car waited for him. It had been a rough day, but he was pretty sure Idun would be fine tomorrow. Female hormones. She would simmer down and it would all be cool tomorrow.

Vieregg would soon discover that he was very wrong.

Ch 2 — The Breast Reduction Threat
Idun gets enough of sexism at Vieregg Industries