Adriana Vroom

A tough man hunter from Venus

Adriana Vroom
Adriana onboard the Nacreous II

Adriana is a member of the team of 42 Venusian women traveling to Earth in 2184.

  • Name: Adriana Vroom
  • Mother: Amalia Willems
  • Born: 2157
  • Age: 27 years in 2184
  • Friends: Fleur and Hedda
  • Birthplace:  Fuller-9 aerostat habitat on Venus
  • Home Planet: Venus
  • Occupation: Male hunter (expert in setting traps and close combat)
  • Earth Base: Nordika Syntharum


A very pretty but big and strong woman. Body builder appearance.


Adriana is a tough woman with a lot of self confidence.

A lot of the details around my spacing girls characters is still work in progress. I have not focused on these characters in a long time.