Ch 3 – An Important meeting with Madam Vice President
AJ meets the vice president of the family business

AJ: What a sexy piece of ass!!! So uh Ms. Monique, You want to do it now or later
Monica: Wha- What the fuck?? Do what now? What are you talking about? And that's Mrs. Monica too you, As in I'm married.

AJ: Dirty girl!! Fucking it is then. What is your favorite position? Classic Missionary? Cowgirl or the reverse? Maybe a bit of spooning?? Oh I know, the all powerful Piledriver.
Monica: How about neither?? And did you not hear me?? I am not on the table!! I am married. Now are we going to discuss business or are you going to show how much of an immature base animal you are?
AJ: No need for juvenile insults Monique.
Monica: Monica!!!
AJ: Yeah, that's what I said.
Monica: Look I am leaving!!
AJ: Hey!!! You can't leave!! I haven't dismissed you yet!! We have important things too discuss!!! Don't disrespect me!! I am your boss!!
Monica: THEN. GET. ON. WITH. IT! DAMMIT!! And no I am not sleeping with you!!
AJ: Such a shame. you look like the typical corporate high class whore who could suck a mean dick. I mean , don't tell me you haven't slept behind your husband's back!! had a good piece of dick here and there. All I know is that you are in the best position to encourage productivity. What better way to become the corporate cheerleader than to sexually motivate the male employees!! Employee satisfaction Monique!!!
Monica: (Sighs) Is that all I am to you. Just piece of meat for you to chew up, pass around and then discard when I am no longer useful? Do the way I dress all you think about?? that the first question that comes out of your filthy mouth is whether you are going to screw me?
AJ: I don't want to screw you, I want to fuck you Monique!!
Monica: It's Monica, you fucking idiot!!! MO-NI-CA!! Call me Monique again and I will honor your face intimately with my fist!!
AJ: So you admit it!!
Monica: Admit what, you idiot?!!
AJ: You slept with the male coworkers!! You have a bit of a reputation here. That the only way got to the position is by sucking the right dick early and often. I am pretty sure they were dicks to you as well. I don't know why you are being so fussy Don't you appreciate my open honesty about me wanted to fuck you!! And you just shoot me down? I'm not ugly. and you are feeling out that dress. It' clear that you take really good care of your body. I just want us to know each other a little better.
Monica: Don't you have a wife?
AJ: I have multiple wives, three in fact and multiple lovers. Vorin is the wife that you know!!! A fine sexy masterpiece of ass the world has ever known. Nora, my little livewire and killer doll who seems to outgrow every bathing suit I buy. And my Angel Claire. My first great love. My number one !!! But don't let that bother you. Now that you know my sexual history. Are you more comfortable now ? Don't you want to get a little bit closer to the boss?
Monica: No..
AJ: Wha-?? What the heck Monique??
Monica: (Slaps AJ in the face)
AJ: Nice!! I like a girl who's rough!! You remind of Vorin a lot. Always so handsy.
Monica: No I am not sleeping with you, you jerk!! Get it through your damn head!!
AJ: Let me guess You like submissive boys, Prudes, Cherry boys?? I have a dear friend who would be perfect for ya. He's acts like a submissive little prude but he goes behind my back to get to my Claire. He has a bit of a Chocolate fetish if you know what I mean. You would love him!!
Monica: I don't want to meet him!!
AJ: You say that now but you have a dominant fetish. You don't like me because I confessed my undying love to you by wanting to fuck you so mercilessly? You want to get married first? Corporate Marriage?? It'll only take five minutes. And after we're finish. I will introduce you to the Ogre max. How does that sound???
Monica: .....................
AJ: ..............................
Monica: ........................
AJ: ................................
AJ: .......uh Monique, You-
Monica: (slaps AJ's face 3 more times)Hmph!!
AJ: Alright we'll table it for later!! Good meeting Monique!!
Monica: (Sighs) You know what?? Whatever. And what hell is an Ogre Max?
AJ: I'll introduce you to him later. You two will become fast friends!!

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