Ch 1 – A rare unexpected call from home
Our American friend AJ living in Imperial Norway gets an unexpected call from the other side of the Atlantic.

As I returns to the US on an all too brief visit. I have just enough time to set things in order to make sure that everything is running well. I receive phone calls from Vorin and Nora everyday. My wife Claire is enjoying the life over in Europe. After seeing so much war she is happy with the turn of events and having her way dominating the minds of men who desire her. Especially yours truly. Things were becoming strained between us after it learned that I kept "running out of cum" because all my attention was devoted on Idun and Vorin.

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It became a source of frustration in the Drakon household. However, ever since my upgrade to the Ogre Max, she wastes no time hoping on me a draining the liquid from my balls. Now knowing full well I an extremely capable of producing more in an instant. Now all I need is food fuel and lots of sleep. Sometimes I can feel them hoping on me in my sleep, that I have adopted the new title of the "Sleeping Ogre Dildo". but I just let them have their way as long as I get my rest. But one day that all came crashing in when I got a certain phone from none other than my little brother Eric. Eric is the second oldest out of seven brothers. I am the oldest by two years over him. When ever he calls it usually is a family matter or business matter. Unfortunately I was hit with the timing of it being both.

The hair on the back of my shoulders tenses up as I take the call. Trying to sound as pleasant as I can be I smile and began the conversation. " Hey little bro!! What have you been up you little rascal?"
"Well, hello to you as well , AJ, Big bro!!" Eric says with dark sarcasm. I just knew that this wasn't going to be a great conversation. " How do expect we're doing over here in these northern United States?. The weather is cold and raining and wet. You can still feel the chill coming from the lake. Dad is a walking kodiak Bear with his powerful booming voice. Hard to believe that aging war general is still bouncing around. But enough about that. As you well know that this is not just a social call. I come with great news, good news and maybe some bad news. It all depends on how well you will take it"
Yep, I knew that this call wasn't going to be pleasant. So I braced my self for the inevitable news that Eric was going to lay on me. "Alright let's hear it."
"Well the great news is that some of the southern states have started to succeed back to the north. With it being mostly gangland some of the Southern US people want peace. And they realized that they are in no position to bargain. Their leaders have offered their unconditional surrender to us. They are our countrymen again. Good thing too because we need the labor and they need our money to rebuild. The gangs are large but they are ill-equipped to properly take on the whole Northern US military. Guess their little war with Imperial Norway has paid off in big dividends for us. Other states are being extremely stubborn. But we'll have their allegiance in due time. It's a slow burn. You would have thought they would have learned the lesson the first time they rebelled nearly two centuries ago. Now some of these idiots are starting to wise up. " he said so haughtily. " they now know that their petty DEI, their BLM Marxist protests, critical race theory and their annoying propaganda tactics didn't work. It was all a bunch a raging nonsense. Don't they realize that the human race is so thoroughly interwined together. I--" he stopped himself as too collect himself. "Sorry if I have offended you Edward. I never new where even stood on some of these issues. Excuse my ranting." he said
"That's okay Eric, we live in a crazy world." I explained. "We all live in warped world and I've seen all types of crazy things during my time down in Neo. Not to mention all those "Hucow farms" down there for all those prisoners of war so many years back. and the stupidly inept farmers and gangland members running them. No need to go into detail"
"Which brings me to the good news. Or not so good news depending on how you take it." Eric says. "Zoey is all grown up brother. She's been staying with us for years now. Moved in with us with her mom about five years after you had left. And boy let me tell you the Old Bear Man Alastair was fuming to learn that her granddaughter was in a place of ill-repute." Eric said dryly. " Maybe don't bring that up your conversations with him. Old man Alastair has the mind of an elephant. He neither forgives of forgets and he will never let you forget. Which reminds me , this was taken a couple of years back

"Wow, she looks so....... grown." I said with a giant lump in my throat.
"Well what did you expect. She's so responsible now. The old man spared no expensed with her education and training learning the family business. She's good with money as well. the financial reports, scheduling meetings, Her title is that of a chief executive assistant or chief of staff. Her and her team are the beating heart of an organization, masterfully orchestrating various elements and uniting them into a cohesive whole. Basically she is the behind the scenes leader at the Organization and all before the age of 21. Their isn't a day where the our old man isn't gushing over your offspring." Eric says with extreme pride, "She was reding 10 grade level at 7. Graduated high school at 12, college at 16 with magna cum laude honors. Got her masters at 18 in business administration also with said honors. Your daughter is a freaking warhorse worthy of the Drakon name..............hello, Edward??? AJ?? BRO!!! are you still there??"
"Yeah........ yeah I'm alright. Go ahead, I am listening." AJ said feeling inadequate and downtrodden" This call was not supposed to go like this. He did not expect Zoey to be so highly accomplished and well-rounded. Here is an updated photo of her

"You sent me three photos little brother. Why is she in sexy lingerie? Whose hands are those on her hips? And more importantly why in the world is she so comfortable in front of that camera?" I said defensively.
"No need to get all ornary and defensive, brother." Eric says dismissing my concern so casually. " It's not not like you own her even if you did bring her into this world. She is not your property and and it wasn't like you were there when we pulled her and here mother out of that sick Savannah gangland strip club and gave her a head start. We spent a lot of money getting her out. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't care what you think concerning your daughter. And those are my hands on her hips. She is surrounded by family and i was her guiding alongside her beloved grandpa." he said sharply.
Knowing that you do not have a leg to stand on and that this is a battle that you can not win, you decided to move on with the conversation. "Well I am glad she is doing so well. maybe we can still reconnect and I can help her within the company. " I explained. "on her terms of course."
"Of course " he said sounding unconvinced." We have been hearing stories about you in Norway. A lot of disturbing stories. Something about that there is some secret program to repopulate their population because of a supposed men shortage and that you are something of a rockstar there. "he said.
"W-what?? W-w-where did you here this?" sounding so surprised.
Are you joking Edward?? "We are a multi-trillion dollar corporation. We work for the government. We have thousands agents on every continent in every country. We have our spies and informants just like everyone else. Nothing and I mean nothing escapes our notice. I can't say much over the phone but the board of directors have been talking. the Vice President's' faction has been thinking about a hostile takeover of company and your recent activities have been brought to the forefront. They maintained that they are embarrassed by your actions and like i said I can't say much."
Look i would love to come home, really I do. But I just can't up and leave like that. I'm a patriot of this country and I need to keep it that way. So maybe in about 5 years I can get some leniency and head home from here." I explained to him.
Did you not hear what I said Edward?? It's not a question of you wanted to come home. You ARE coming home!! You have no choice!! The decision has already been made. The call came from the old man himself. And Alastair will not take "no" for an answer. Which is the bad news that I wanted to give to you. And also like I said we have our informants and even among the high matriarchs, the imperial inquisition. You will need to to explain yourself. and besides Zoey's 21st birthday is coming up. So you might want to get her a lovely gift. Bring Claire, Vorin and Vilde with you. And yes we know about Vilde so don't try to pretend. Claire and Lisa have drifted apart. Time for a reunion. the company's future is at stake and if you care about her being as much as you say you will be home in no time. She is smart cunning but she is young. and will have many potential suitors in the company. So you will be on the first flight out of there. And don't worry you will be back there in no time.

"(Sighs) Alright, I will break the news to the family. Vorin will no doubt be excited to go. Vilde has been asking about about her family abroad. and I can't say that I am looking forward to seeing that Old Bear of a man again. So I will be there soon Eric little bro." I said. " Claire will no doubt be happy to return home after all these years"
"See you then big bro" Eric said warmly