Ch 4 – A follow up meeting with the Vice President
AJ is looking for new conquests in the office and exploits Vieregg's chocolate addiction

AJ: Alright Monique. Let's follow up with what we discuss last time.
Monica: You mean when you wanted to know if I would sleep with you!!
AJ: Pfft, No need to get all angry Monique. You know you have such a beautiful name.
Monica: Thanks, and it's Monica. And no I am not sleeping with you.
I was thinking of giving you a new private secretary position.
Monica: Isn't that a lateral move?
AJ: No we will be working closely together. You still have your duties as the vice-president but we need to integrate your faction. can't have you undermining every one of my decisions. but you will be like my XO or first officer. Sure they will call you the corporate slut but you already are the company's no. 1 slut.
Monica: Gee thanks for the underhanded compliment.
AJ: Nothing underhanded about it at all. I am heading up a Revive and restoration initiative committed to restoration of the old war torn south. Neo Dixie has fallen and have become our country men again. Of course there will be some remnants left but they will come around eventually. You can plant as many trees. Build new homes, Bring Neo Dixie into the modern 21st century.
Monica: That sounds a hell of a lot better than you asking me about sucking your dick.
AJ: Oh don't worry Monique. you will be still be sucking dick. That body of yours is too good not to bang. I know you are pro climate change and all that. And that is your belief. And I am a big guns, beer guzzling, lady loving, minister of death praying for war. We may have different viewpoints but we can coexist. Plus we expanding into the engineering fields, and medicinal trades as well. Fields you may have an interests in. Look there are no cameras in here. besides the one on my computer looking at your faction currently sucking and fucking all the weak male coworkers. Do you really think that they care who you are screwing right now while their nuts are getting drain. Besides the door is lock and we have the room for a good three hours. This will be our little secret!! Now quit your whining and get over here!!
Monica: Sighs!! Fine then drop your pants and don't make any loud noises. (unzips AJ's pants and pulls them down)
AJ: Oh, I forgot, meet my little friend the Ogre Max.
Monica: What the heck is that monster?? Are you trying to murder me.
AJ: My Ogre would never murder anyone. At least my wives think so.
Monica: Well I am not your wife!
A J: (Sighs) if you are that nervous, just focus on the tip then.
Monica : (proceeds to suck on the tip)
(Phone rings)
AJ:Excuse me for a moment my dear Monique! I have to to take this
Monica: (Proceeds to bite AJ's dick)
AJ: AHHHHHH!!! Easy with the Ogre sweetie! (Answers the phone) What's good bro!! (Switches to speaker phone)
Vieregg : Nice chocolate! Mmmm....
AJ: Dude are you drooling right now?
Vieregg: Eh... maybe? Anyways where did you even get that photo?
AJ: Oh you know. I have my ways of bribing the male workers around here. Plus I know how much chocolate lover you are. You know with you and my wife.
Vieregg: Hey that was an accident, and I cannot help that your wife has the most delicious chocolate ass. Shit happens. Anyway, who are you to speak? How many times do I come home to my wife lying in bed all covered in your cum, licking her lips. Now you must tell me who owns that delicious lickable chocolate ass in that photo?
AJ: Her name is Monique and she's a grade A corporate whore!!
Monica: (proceeds to angrily crush AJ's balls)
AJ: Owww!! Fuck!!
Vieregg: What?? What happened bro!
AJ: Still getting use to the Ogre.
Vieregg: Why did she even upgrade to that?
AJ: No need to worry about that. Anyways she loves your kind.
Vieregg: What do mean by my kind.
AJ: The wimpy prude type. A base animal pretending to be a highly moral person until you get some liquor in them and then they reveal their base nature
Vieregg: Ouch! Yeah, well fuck you too. Lucky bastard. You wouldn't even know how to enjoy fine chocolate. Prime pussy like that needs a proper chocolate aficionado.
AJ: Since when did you get so cocky Vieregg!
Vieregg: Uhm I learned from a certain cocky American friend with an oversized ego. He is kind of greedy on the pussy. I think he needs to share more with his long time friends.
AJ: Of course. I will set you two up and you can introduce yourself once I return in a couple of weeks.
Vieregg: Cool!! can wait to get my hands on that ass. Good eating!!
Monica: We "bro!!" good to know that my ass will be chocolate pudding after you are done murdering my pussy
Vieregg: ...................................!!!!!! Dick. Fucking. Move. man!!! Oh man I -I- I.............!!!! Fuck you, bro!!
AJ: (laughs uncontrollably) She can't wait to see you, bro. No more prude games from you!! Talk to you later Vieregg!!
Vieregg: Fuck You!! Asshole!! Bye!!!
AJ: (Laughters)

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