Ch 2 – A Conversation with the Old Man

AJ has to answer to his dad about his sexual escapade in Imperial Norway. But there is also something else...

Alastair Drakon

After the call between my brother and myself a few days ago I knew exactly what I had to do. there would be little sleep for me in the coming days. So it was best if I got my rest now. And rest is what was needed. I told Povell about my plans and to look after the house while I was gone. Something told me that once this trip was done, things were never going to be the same. Vorin and I began to pack our things for the journey ahead. There was no need for getting passports because all the paperwork was updated. After many sexual sessions with my Angel Claire, Vorin, and Nora that I fell into a deep sleep. I knew that this would probably be the last great sleep that I would have had in a while.

Dirty Daughters
We are in the 2070s AJ’s daughters with Nora, Lisa, Haldis, Vorin and Claire have grown up. And they aren’t very well behaved…

Go to chapters overview

Early the next morning before dawn we began to stir. Vilde was already up, packed and ready to go. She was off in her own little world playing on her phone waiting for her two old folks to wake up and get a move on. She acted like she didn't care about this trip but I knew her all too well and saw right through it. This was her first trip across the Atlantic. It was more like she wanted to hurry us up so we could be up in the air soon. Vorin and I both anticipated this and we already packed the day before. After a quick small breakfast did we finally set out. The trip airport was quick and painless and it wasn't long before we was on the tarmac ready to fly. Once we were loaded I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Good morning, little bro!" I shouted out "How long have you been here? I would have come to see you if I had known you would have arrived."

"I know but I needed to keep this explicitly business." Eric said" I have been here for three days. Our movements were highly restricted to the embassy and the ambassadorial quarters and the paranoid. We're not here to upset the sovereignty of the matriarchs. Seeing an independently free- roaming male wandering about may cause great misunderstanding. Besides father is on the plane."

"Wait, what!! He flew over here just for me??" I asked sounding dumbfounded.

"Oh, shut up, get over yourself and get up there to see him He won't take kindly to waiting" Eric said sharply.

Rather than argue and causing a scene, I decided ascend the steps into the large aircraft. Vorin, Claire, and Vilde stayed with Eric for a while before borading themselves. As for me, my focus on my inevitable confrontation with my dear father. As I made my way back to middle of the plane did I see a private office quarters. As I made my way inside did I see a mountain of a man that would be my father

Old man Alastair

If you ever want to feel inadequate. All you need is to look at him and and don't bother fighting back. It would be futile and pointless. I am not going to give him a reason to throw across the room with ease. So I just began with a polite greeting.

"Good morning to you dad" I spoke softly.

He echoed my sentiments and match my energy "Good Morning to you as well son" his voice boomed. " We will be up in the air in about 5 min. make yourself comfortable. We have a lot to discuss"

I sat down and prepared myself for the inevitable chewing out I was about to received.

"To business then. First I wanted to congratulate you gaining a foothold into Imperial Norway. Their closed made it difficult to get any business done. Our operations here have ran smoothly. and we are seeing record profits in trade." he explained.

He was softening me up before going in for the kill.

" I also wanted to thank you for not going soft me. You didn't turn into one of the sissy boys. Instead the word is that there is an unruly uncouth American who has been broken by a society rule by augmented Northern Amazonian women." he said.

I wanted to correct him in saying that they were Neo Nordics. But he was being amiable and he was on a roll. The best I could do for now is to keep my mouth shut.

"Your name is on everyone lips. Mostly good. They say that they love getting impregnated by you. I even heard you got an upgrade to make sure you never "run out." You have impregnated thousands of women and now the Drakon bloodline has been greatly expanded." he said.

"Wait a minute." I interrupted. "Sorry but Eric said that that rumors about me were disturbing. Did I get that wrong?

" No you didn't get that wrong son. There has been a nasty little rumor that has been going around that you are sharing wives with a certain Povell Viergg, yes?" he asked. "you've impregnated his wife and he impregnated yours, did I get that right??? And not only that but you also had the gall, the unmitigated gall to to still dick in the moms as well?? getting them pregnant?? having an unnatural family?"

"Um well, yes, he did. Or or we did?? Or I did?? Look I don't have all the specifics. All I know it was some sort of proof of loyalty test. Something the locals needed to do prove that they were loyal to the Matriarchal regime. As for the family it is complicated" I explained.

"So, uncomplicate it then" he said sharply.

I told him about the mission to liberate the prisoners of war from the hucow farms and how we became fast friends. The vacation trip to democratic Norway. The declaration of the new Dictatorial matriarchy regime after the democratic one fell. the Imperial Inquisition. my marriage to Nora and Vorin. Claire getting impregnated by Vieregg. How there was a shortage of men. How we slept with the moms of the women we had been with, I left no stone unturned when telling the story of my sex escapades.

"Well that will have to be put on hold. As you are going to be without them for a while. And now I know for certain that you are more than ready to take over the company." he said. "And I would very much like to meet this Vieregg to get a good read on him.

" Come again.........? take over the company?" I asked. "And meet that hopeless fake prude?"

My dad laugh uncontrollably "A fake prude, eh?? and yes, to take over. the hire ups within the company are waiting for you to take your rightful place. We also came to a compromise concerning your new homeland. We are initiating a new exchange program where we are going to send some of our best and brightest minds over to Norway as a show of cooperation to work on new technological and engineering projects. Many of them will bring their sons and daughters as well. In reality it's just was to humble some these arrogant overly ambitious hire-ups and let them submit themselves to a matriarchal regime. of the matriarchs will have a limited free reign over them. We need this cooperation to be lasting." Alastair explained.

"And what makes you think that they will just comply with your request?" I asked

"The promise of sleeping with a rare breed of woman. Money, wealth, power and more importantly, information. These northern amazons have made huge strides in DNA Augmentation and Gene therapy." Alastair explained. "And since the facilities were all but destroyed by the matriarchy in Neo Dixie, this is the only avenue that we have left. In exchange for that info, we are opening a new exchange program for our American students. In reality it is just us sending our undesirables over to them to be broken. half of them are of that place anyway. The so-called Imperial Inquisition. especially jump at chance of getting their hands on Fresh " American Meat" as they put it. Norway gets the positive publicity and image and the chance of breaking down and breaking in that fresh meat to suit their sick twisted pleasures. In addition they are granted safe passage to and from the Northern United States and the greater frequency of getting as many of them pregnant. In exchange I get my son back and we get valuable data of creating an Army of Super soldiers ourselves. And to strengthened our position."

"So what is happening back home? Eric was vague in his explaining but something about the Vice- Presidents' Faction and a potential hostile takeover?" I asked.

"You have a 30% stake in the company's ownership. I have 40% stake and the rest are are to various stakeholders within the company. The Vice President have been consolidating power. And many are following her vision. She want's to get rid of our weapons division and move to a more centralized DEI position where everyone is given a chance at earning a job in the career field.

"Well, what's wrong that. Wouldn't more people bring out more productivity?" I asked

"No, because it relies only on a prayer and it will greatly weaken our position. We are a meritocracy company where we hire only the most qualified and hard-working. People who are patriots of this great nation. We will not just settle for people based on an even playing field, who are either political idealists or naive activists who want to change the direction of our organization. We breed Bullets, Beer, and Bandages. We are believers of the right to carry and bear arms. Now I am going to sell my stake to you now to put you into a more powerful majority position and we will need to crushed that vice vile vice- president's faction and get these board of directors into line. I am getting older and would like to enjoy retirement and not worry about my company falling to a bunch petty puny stupid activists!!!" he stated getting really annoyed.

" Alright Dad, I will do it!!! Just don't throw across the room like you used to do. I'll get the company back on track" I said sound frightened.

"Furthermore I do not want my beloved granddaughter being influenced by those DEI thugs. She's come a long way since your abandonment and it's time you reconnect and start bonding again. I did your job for you while you were sleeping your way through half of Europe for years on end. Take up the mantle and crush our enemies. and shield your granddaughter from their false teachings."

"I can't just leave Europe. I have family their as well, lots of family. I will just doing the same thing to them As I would done to her. You already know about my lovers and my wives. I can't just abandoned them." I tried to explained.

"Did I say anything about abandoning your family in Europe. I am all too aware of your ' strange family' and how many 'interesting' children have come from it like miss Vilde there" my father said somewhat unapprovingly. "I said reconnecting with your eldest daughter and taking over the company. Establish yourself as the boss. You can still be the boss from overseas. You don't need to show up everyday in person if at all but only for the most vital meetings. And all that can be done via video conference. You don't need to abandon you responsibilities as a progenitor. You'll be back in a few days once the transfer has been completed and your position confirmed, Plus her birthday is coming up. What better way to reconnect than to get get her a present. Sure, it will be awkward at first but you have handle worse. Now enough talk. I would like to see my granddaughter now and you will need to entertain your wives. I am pretty sure they need 'attending to.'